Friday, March 20, 2009


昨天盛誉载我,字庭,杰隆一起找sunway一带的univesity or college.
从早上十点出发,第一站往melipolitan走。里面主要是介绍australia的,对我而言,的确可以圆满我留学在澳洲的愿望,可是里面却一点scholarship或financial aid都没有,根本没机会到那边就读。过后,我们3个才去mc meet杰隆,转站到pizza hut吃。taylorian的杰隆被踩到无言以对,我只有笑。
第二站taylor( inti没人理,先去taylor).那个consultor和我们说了很多的道理,他能offer我50%scholarship,but it is still a large amount for me 2 study...i duno whether i can get PTPTN loan coz i heard tht it cant allow 4 using spm results 2 apply study degree...
third v go 2 inti,it also provide 50% scholarship 4 me...lastly, v go sunway...
edi visit 4 uni college but also duno wht should i study...haiz....
financial is a big problem for me...
N i duno study account is my interest or some say is suitable 4 me... it seem like i hv only 1 choice 2 me...
i c many parents accompany their children 2 the uni college,but me?my parents details also i family fanancial condition i duno...tht i only know is they hv no affort 2 let me study.
should i continue study?

1 comment:

  1. haiz~~
    actually not "被踩到无言以对" la ~~
    this is a communicate style with them !!
    enroll to taylors la ~~ be a taylorian
    u can get extra profit with 2/3 , and 1/3 i take
    dun forget to write my name ... ...
